Exterior work

Exterior work

Our Exterior Painting service includes preparing all surfaces for painting (cleaning, smoothing, sanding etc), priming, varnishing and wood staining and application of masonry paints. We can supply, source or advise on the right materials. We appreciate budget and timescale. Quality and type of paint are just some of your considerations and we are more than happy to discuss options or alternatives. No job too small or large, from a fence or gate to a whole house, office, shop or hotel, we provide the same attention to detail whatever the job is. Finally, if you are unsure about ideas for exterior decorating then our advice is freely given and with years of experience we have ideas on what can work well based on the aspect, the material or the surface. Our comprehensive list of exterior Painting and Decorating services include:

  • All aspects of exterior painting and decorating
  • Full external redecoration to masonry, woodwork and ironmongery
  • Full preparation of all surfaces
  • Woodstain, opaque, gloss, exterior eggshell and masonry paint
  • Sourcing and using Specialist products as part of the works
  • Rendering/filling to poor or damaged surfaces
  • Fence painting
  • Metalwork Painting
  • Painting of Roughcast
  • Decking Stain
  • Cleaning Gutters
  • Insurance work undertaken

Are you looking for a reliable, trustworthy, local painter and decorator?

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